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Marana Stockyards offers a complete line of services to meet your needs.

Commission Rates



Butcher Cows - 3.0% of the gross selling price with a minimum of $17.50 per head- up to $35/head max


Calves, yearlings & bulls (under 1,000lbs) 3.75% of the gross selling price with a minimum of $17.50 per head 


Bred cows & Pairs - 4.0% with a minimum of $17.50 per head 


Yardage - $1.50 per head


Resale Charge 3% of the gross selling price per head


No sale or Pass Out Charge

$15.00 per head 


Feed - $0.65 per CWT (of cattle)/day


Dead Haul $125




Services we offer



Ear tagging

Ear marking




Services our Vet offers

Pregnacy check

Semen test


Health certificates

We can also help you with your replacement heifers and bulls either through the sale or private treaty.

Arizona Department of Agriculture:



Brand Inspector Dispatch (ADA)



Unless you have a self inspection book, be sure to call the ADA to schedule an inspection, or make arrangements with an inspector before shipping your cattle.

Attention consigners: ADA Inspectors will not accept any un-peeled fresh brands or no brands cattle except for calves with their mothers or accompanied by a form 1 inspection.
As per ADA: MSY is no longer accepting fresh brands or any no brands unless inspected at point of origin. 

Gooseneck Trailers:
Hector Robles (520) 619-1531 (text please) 
      will haul all Southern AZ- all hours 
Caballero Harvesting- Vincent (602)859-4905
Billy Maynard (480) 861-4333

Pedro (520)639-1028
Jeff Frizzel (520)609-1892
Nick's Trucking (520)203-4005 (520)661-0608
Dan Skiver (307) 323-8007
Dalton Thompson (970) 570-5153


Semi Trucks:
Caballero Harvesting- Vincent (602)859-4905
Joe Mike (520)203-4468
Bernie Allaire (520)548-1133
Lloyd Gaskell (520)507-1949
Wingfield Transport (623)936-5459
F&A (480)283-4627
Justin Salcido (928)442-9975
Richard Kempton- ground load straight deck (602)525-6255
Mike Reidhead- Holbrook area (928)521-2888
T&K (520)560-6886
Skinner Cattle (602)622-5950
Bar Ty Trucking- Clay Nallin (307) 287-2956
Tanner Resor (520) 247-1745
Tate Wells (928) 607-5783
John Duke- Randall Trucking (575) 825-1925

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